Friday, June 6, 2014

Premium Fish Food Company

JUNE 5th, 2014

Fish..............  So far I have been feeding our tilapia with pellets that I know are not high quality but all things must be done in order. ;)  And today I ordered some high quality fish food for our tilapia through "Premium Fish Food" online.  It's quite expensive to have it delivered and we had some things to do in Kansas City so we opted to pick up our order from their storehouse in Smithville, Mo which is close to KC.  You can find their website here  And if you order use COUPON CODE....

I'm excited to see if the change in diet produces some breeding in my breeding tank.  Premium Fish Food Company has a specific food for breeding your tilapia, and I'm wondering if this is why I haven't seen any breeding done yet.  According to all that I've read on the subject this is the one area I think I'm failing at.  So fingers crossed we will see a change in water quality and a desire for breeding once we get the proper diet going on in our tanks. 

tilapia breeding and conditioning pellet bulk fish food for sale


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