Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beginer Gardening....Wish me LUCK!!

 This is what I started with! cups with 
germinating mix and heirloom seeds ;0)
Do you see that?  Huh do ya?  
Um it might be a pepper plant but it might not!  
I've tricked my self into thinking that I see them 
when really it's a flake of vermiculite. HaHa
 Step #2: Take off the plastic and let those beauties breathe some fresh air and absorb the wonderful Sunshine

 I think they like the Sunshine! ;0)

Grow Tomato Grow! 
 Good Job Baby Cucumber plant Wake Up!
Now onto my Garden Let see how the 
Lettuce, Broccoli, Sweet Peas, and Radishes are coming along!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fresh Baked Bread, YUMMY!

You have got to try this recipe for homemade bread!!!!!  
It is so Delicious!!!!!
 You can find the Recipe here at "The Urban Homemaker"

My Amazing Husband bought me my first mixer ever. "A BOSCH"  I've never owned a kitchen aid are anything close to it and I now have the wonderful mixer that has a Grinder Attachment for grinding my own wheat for wheat bread, cream of wheat and other yummy recipes.  The first bread I made wasn't so wonderful, good yes but not wonderful.  This batch was WONDERFUL! I'll even make you some if you want to buy it! ;)  Okay so now I've raved about my bread let me tell you what else we've  been doing!  

Dirt Bike Riding, Video games, Camping, & a Sleep over with Friends!  Thanks Coons Family we had fun making more memories.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's left for me???....

Today has been a full day with grocery shopping, chore list rewriting and reorganizing my children's schedules!
I always look back over the chore list and say, "What is left for me to clean?".  With four kids who need a ton of responsibility to keep them busy and to keep the house is order, when you look at my chore charts for them you might say like I do, "What's left for the MOM to do?"  As I thought of this today I realized, I'm the one that goes into the bathroom and says, "Oh no he/she didn't leave tooth paste all over the sink, What did they clean in here?".  Or I'm the one that makes them re vacuum the stairway because they missed the corners where all the dirt really is. I'm the follow up person that makes sure it's done right, the person that reminds them that it must look shiny to pass The MOM TEST!  hehehe   I'm also the laundry Lady.  I make sure everyone has clean clothes.  I also tend to do most of the mopping.  For a bit though it was very hard to let them do all this stuff, because I tend to be very controlling and critical.  But little by little I'm learning to relax and just keep at it.  They will someday figure out the dusting means all the shelves and the tv.  That sweeping includes under the table and in the corners of the kitchen under the edge of the cabinets.  Yep they will eventually understand what looks good and what's expected.  Or I'll learn to just do it myself ;)  Either way we grow and learn from each other.  I thought I would share my chore list with you all in case you need a few ideas for your children.  Oh and if you have other ideas I would be happy to hear them.   Just leave a Comment.  I LOVE COMMENTS!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book Club

A friend of mine had ask me about a book club not to long ago.  I ask a few more of my friends what they thought and one of them had been in a few and understood how to set it up, so we ask her to start one.  We had our first meeting last Thursday and it was fun. We were all ask to read "5 Love Languages", by Gary Chapman.  A really interesting book, if you haven't read it I would definitely recommend in to everyone.  I am the luck person who got to pick the next book, :)  I was so excited to pick and share my favorite book, "Loving What Is" !  I'm posting this because you all are invited.  If you want to come be part of our Book Club each month send me an email and let me know, I will email you more details and add you to the invite list (email).  Hope you decide you would like to come.  BTW  I have this book on CD and I might be able to loan it to you if your interested in borrowing it.  Hope you decide you would like to join us once a month on the LAST Thursday of the month.