JULY 19th, 2014
I'm pretty sure this is a Roma tomato or also called Amish paste tomato. Beautiful. |
I think I am succeeding in the pepper department this year. And I'm so grateful for the success.
cayenne peppers looking great too.
Spaghetti squash looking good too. It blooming and not dying.
Onions didn't get very big I think I planted them too close together and so it stunted them. They are laying in the green house drying out so I can braid them and hang them in the pantry for salsa and other recipes.
The pole beans are finally climbing up the trellis.
Potatoes hit another growth spurt too.
Look more asparagus is shooting up! HOOray!!!
This is a better look at the cucumbers and how far they have grown up the trellis my amazing husband made for me. :0)
We definitely are not running short on cucumbers.
Honeysuckle is starting to bloom and climb again. It took a small break for a little while not sure why.
Can you tell I'm proud of my Morning Glories. They are finally blooming. And shading the gate going into my garden too. LOVE IT!!!
This is my clearence rack flower bed. I will be posting pix of it later because I added black mulch to match my other flower bed and the flowers look great. Plus the other pixture shows that I weeded it too. LOL
My sunflowers are looking pretty good.
So I added these to my favorite stuffed pepper recipe and according to everyone who ate one they have an amazing flavor and a good kick.
The booty!!!! for one day!
JULY 21st, 2014
Spaghetti squash. I see fruit. Excitement building now.
Zucchini squash Some rotted.
Cherry tomatoes
Better pic of the Roma tomatoes
The peppers are pretty but look at that beautiful onion. I'm pretty sure they love being planted together. What a great relationship.
This is how sad my onion bed looks. :0(
Thrilled to see large tomatoes on the vine
Not sure what's getting into this tomato. Looks bad though
Check out the honey bee on his daily visit to the garden. :
One specific bed of tomatoes looks very very sad. LOL not sure why either.
Okay three days ago this asparagus was tiny. I'm so impressed with how fast this veggie grows.
The Concords are turning purple.
And the beetles are still on attack.
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