About Me

 Where to begin..............................................................
First...................I'm a Daughter of God, and so grateful for this knowledge!

Second............. I'm a Wife to the Most Amazing Man in the World. He's my best friend, my true love, my companion for Eternity.  We've been married for 18+ great years!  Every day is an adventure for sure,  I've learned so much from this wonderful man.  For example, I've learned how to lighten up and have more fun.  I've learned the importance of being organized and taking time to structure my life.  I'm learning to set goals and try to follow through (something I never did before)!  I'm learning how to be a better mother by watching him play his role as the Best Dad In the World! Our kids adore him as I do.

Third ................I'm a Mother to 4 great kids. All in which are about a year apart.  They are the coolest kids ever.  I love that they are so Adventurous.  I am grateful our Father in Heaven trusted me enough to raise 4 of his choice children.  I know that he blessed me with them to learn from each of their individual spirits.  They each add a flavor to our family.  I've seen many blogs that have kept their family's names off their blogs and used fake names in their place to protect their privacy.  I will let you know what I come up with later.

Fourth .............I'm a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" aka "A Mormon"  and AKA "A Christian"  I believe in Christ and that he died so that I can be forgiven and have the chance to return to live with him again. I'm grateful for his sacrifice for all those willing to live righteously.  I'm very grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who blesses me in this life abundantly!  I'm grateful for Scriptures to help me stay on a righteous path.  I'm grateful for freedoms in this country which so far allow me to worship freely.  I'm grateful for Eternal Families and promised blessings that come with them.  To learn more about what I believe you can visit these websites..............The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints @  Mormon.org   or Read our Thirteen Articles of Faith Here