Thursday, December 30, 2010


 A friend of mine shared this video with me this morning.  It's actually one of the songs for this upcoming year in your Primary Program (childrens program) we have each year in our church.  Our theme is "I Know the Scriptures are True"  Such an exciting theme, and this beautiful music is an amazing touch.  Music just brings the spirit close.   Hope you enjoy it like I have.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lovin the new camera!!

I took these 3 days before Christmas.  The kids are pretty good sports about being my models.  I think they turned out beautiful.  I need to take some more of my boys, I had trouble getting the right lighting with them.  But for some of the first shots with the new camera I think my Experimenting is going pretty well.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

To my Olympus Camedia ...You were an Amazing little Camera

O little Olympia how I loved you.  You captured some amazing memories and helped me created memories for others as well.  With your small 4.0 Pixels you captured moments all over the US for me and my family. With you I learned how to use photoshop and enjoyed trying to capture action shots with your delayed shutter speed.  You were my first digital camera and you have been amazing, but it's time you retired you see, It's time that I set you aside after being dropped and shut into doors, it's time I start fresh and update.  But know you will be missed and you were very loved (despite the look of you now).  

To my new Nikon.................Hubby says you better make me some $$MONEY$$!!!!  And I'm super excited to get on that!   I'm also excited about the 10 extra pixels I'm going to have to make some Jaw Dropping memories with.

A Very Special Thanks to my Amazing Husband for loving me so much to get this for me.